The Yoga for Covid-19 as been incredibly helpful

Dear Dr. Kumar

There are not words to express my gratitude and appreciation for all you have given over these last few months. Thank you so very much.
At the beginning whilst lying in bed suffering from Covid-19 I would listen to your webcasts and even if I didn’t understand everything there would always be something to learn – your knowledge is astounding. I am recovering but it is taking some time however thanks to you explaining that we had to be gentle with ourselves and not deplete our already depleted oxygen levels I can feel the difference in my body.

I have also learnt acceptation as my body does not respond in a way it did before the virus. The yoga for Covid as been incredibly helpful and even my 14 year old daughter showed interest! You have given me hope that everything is going to be ok. Thank you.
I am looking forward to the next few months

Victoria Jamieson Student

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