RYT200 – Course Outline

Dr. Kumar has learned in 86 schools of yoga with teachers including Krishnamacharya, BKS Iyengar and Swami Vishnudevananda. He uses this deep knowledge and his experience as an award-winning scientist to bring fresh perspectives to Yoga. Due to the pandemic, Dr. Kumar will be teaching an international course online. As a result we have a rare opportunity to train with him

The course will cover the full spectrum of Yoga and its underlying science including but not limited to Yoga exercise physiology, meditation, translation and analysis of Yoga scriptures, diet, nutrition and nutraceuticals.

Dr Kumar’s teaching is spontaneous and boundless. Prepare to be challenged and enlightened by the unique experience of learning with him. His teaching is deeply rooted in the purity of authentic traditions. The underlying question being addressed throughout the course is, ‘how does one live in the wisdom of Yoga, in today’s world?

“Yoga is not for the few, Yoga is for all.”

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